Saw your status on and am also obsessed with webrings. I bullied chatGPT into building me one from scratch for myself and my ONE buddy that I also got to put together a neocities page. Of all the things I thought I would have nostalgia for I never guessed it would have been geocities pages from the late 90's.
I'm also planning on creating one, and probably joining more. I also managed to get my friend to create a website too lol.
If you know my name, you already knew I was the one who poured alcohol paint on that giant mirror
I do not.
for context i meant your blog was good because it was simple*
Was simple? I think you meant is simple.
when the blox are in a row.... idk i don't play roblox. being serious though, i know nothing about roblox, but this is a pretty neat site.
Thanks for your feedback on the blog post pages! I was going to respond earlier, but I forgot. Also, I'm glad you like my site!
Hello!! u r very silly and maybe we'll meet again soon ehe...
Thanks! I feel like I know someone who talks similarly to you but I'm not sure who it is...
Hey rick can you guess who it is (Its really obvious isnt it) (Reply to the message if you know who it is lol and if you get it wrong I'll message you -'-)
Well, you sent me a DM on Discord about enjoying reading my site so yes, it is pretty obvious it's you, Canada.
I love Your site!!
Thanks! Your site is pretty cool too, but it could do with some more pages.
You know.... I missed something! Hopefully this will work out - it did not seem it could find that, as it seems to look on my own page. I tried run it from your place and my own local, and yet saw nothing. Looked in the code as you page, things are going on, although more then expected, yet saw nothing. Look some further and found out it did not access the images of the Dog! Hopefully it will now work. We will see. - Darkijah
If you don't have a thought on my blog post pages, you can leave it blank. Required questions are marked with an asterisk, like the Message one.
Anyway I understand you use the Neko cat Script, might kinda be a variation of it for the Dog - I think that is great! Although if you made the graphic and tuned it for the Dog - I think you should take some credit on the dog and fix it your page Gif for sharing, then people know who you are. The guy who created the Dog - If that is you! Like all this cat lady nonsense everywhere, nice to see a Man getting a Dog up and running. If you made the Dog, I think you did a pretty good job on it overall. It might not totally be a sheppard Dog, but close enough - Darkijah
Blog post pages are the pages that start with, not itself. I got the Neko cat script from Nekoweb's homepage (
Yea sorry, I was somewhat confused as well when I posted it. Lots of things go on in my head, having way to many balls in the air. Thanks for the help on the Dog, I will get right to it and add a guard dog to the Sheep, we will see how that goes You made the Dog? If you did you really should add it to your Gif for your homepage. - Darkijah
Yes, I did respond. I can do it through It's fine that you misused the questions, it just made me a little confused while reading your message.
Did you make the Dog, I kinda wanna adopt it into a Sheep dog - if you made the Dogt, you might use it for your site Icon gif, it seems very dry. Anyway, I will see if I can figure out how to extract the dog and use it as a somewhat, protecting Sheep dog protecting the Sheep against the Wolves, and with that, have some other ideas as well to point it out. Naaa, it is more of a fun site and test site I have on it - and promoting the Web eSheep project for more to see it and hopefully work on it. It is open source. So the main reason was to get some light on the project, second is more of a test and fun page..... sorta.... - Darkijah
I'm not very keen on changing my site favicon, I've used my current one as my profile picture for many sites and it would feel unnatural to have anything but my current one as my site favicon.
Yea.... Just need to figure out what files is needed. But I think it would do good on this page:
Thanks for the compliment on the dog, but do you mind using the question parameters as answers to the questions asked instead of as the Message parameter? It was difficult to decipher what your message meant because of it. For how to add the dog to your page, just add "<script src=""></script>" to the bottom of your page right before your closing </body> tag.
saying the nice thang
I'm also not very good at coding, and I'm glad you find it navigable.
neat site! your roblox projects seem cool as well and i'm big fan of the song that plays upon loading into the site
Thanks! I try to put alot of effort into both my site and my Roblox projects, even if I don't know much about coding a website. I'm glad you like the song! It's on YouTube. (You could find that out using inspect element as I haven't figured out how to use JavaScript properly yet, so it's just a YouTube embed.)
I am not gone say something nice Text box. No actually very nice site. But maybe a bit flat but if that is the design your going for keep it.
I'm not very good at HTML or CSS, so thanks for the compliment! The flatness is because I used a layout builder back when I first created this site on neocities. (